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Dysphagia or Normal Aging? 6 Indicators to Distinguish the Difference

Know the differences between natural aging and the early warning signs of dysphagia.

November 21, 2016

3 min. read

The elderly population is a large and growing part of the US population, with 40 million individuals over the age of 65.1All these aging individuals experience physiological changes, including in their swallow function. With such a large potential patient population, we must know how to tell the difference between the normal aging swallow (presbyphagia) and swallowing impairment.

Changes from Normal Aging

Many changes to swallow function come withhealthy aging and do not result in dysphagia. Of course, elderly people experience dysphagia the prevalence in community-dwelling elderly appears to be 15%.10These numbers increase in those with other disabilities like stroke, COPD, Parkinsons disease, and dementia. Aging predisposes individuals for difficulty swallowing, particularly those with low muscle mass or nutritional compromise at baseline.11

To distinguish between healthy aging and the onset of dysphagia,we should first understand swallow changes as a result of aging:

Laryngeal Penetration

Shallow laryngeal penetration material enters the laryngeal vestibule but does not reach the vocal folds is a normal finding in all age groups. Its more frequent at both ends of the lifespan: in infancy and in the elderly. Thus, older adults will often have shallow laryngeal penetration, particularly with liquid boluses.2-7

Slowed Swallow Response

Studies with healthy older adults show the swallow response changing with age. The swallow response has a later onset, is slower, and lasts longer across bolus types. The result is longer pharyngeal dwell times (e.g. food or liquid reaching the valleculae or even the pyriform sinuses before the swallow response triggers). This should not be confused with an impaired swallow response. 4,5,8,12,15

Reduced Sensation

Many elderly men and women report changes in taste, specifically in taste acuity. With age, we lose taste bud density and, perhaps more importantly, retronasal olfaction. The olfactory sensations received as we chew and manipulate food augment our perception of taste. Reduced olfaction causes taste loss, which can contribute to dehydration, reduced variety in diet, and weight loss.14

Indicators of Dysphagia

Dysphagia clinicians face the dilemma of distinguishing between these normal changes in swallowing and actual dysfunction. The following concepts may help indicate dysphagia:


Normal penetration (and even aspiration) occurs inconsistently. For example, the patient who demonstrates laryngeal penetration on all thin liquid swallows is more likely to have dysphagia.


Normal laryngeal penetration is typically shallow. Penetration that reaches the level of the vocal folds is an irregular finding and should be identified as dysphagia.


Normal laryngeal penetration is cleared spontaneously. Material that pools in the larynx and is not cleared is more likely to be aspirated. This swallow should be considered disordered.

We must be careful not to over-diagnose dysphagia in aging individuals. At the same time, we must be vigilant to identify and treat actual swallow impairments. As Betty Davis once famously said, "Old age is no place for sissies."

Below, watch Angela Mansolillo discuss presbyphagia and the natural swallow changes that occur with age in a short video from her course, Dysphagia and Cognitive Impairment, Part 1 - Normal Aging and the Role of Dementia, Delirium, and Mental Illness.

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