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Inside an Athlete's Mind: Three Keys to Performance Success

From winning your weekly bowling league to succeeding in professional athletics, these three mental strategies can boost performance when the stakes are high.

June 8, 2016

4 min. read

From winning your weekly bowling league to succeeding in professional athletics, these three mental strategies can boost performance when the stakes are high.

From Freaking to Peaking How Cs Are Much More Than Average!

It was the 10thframe of my bowling league. All I had to do for us to win the game and make it into the playoffs was to make contact with the pins and either strike or finish the spare. As I approached the lane, I felt confident and focused, as I had been all game.

To my terror, as the ball released off of my finger tips and onto the floor I knew this was about to be an embarrassing moment. Past my aim and into the gutter my ball went, taking with it our chances of making the playoffs.

Now, a Thursday night bowling league devoted to beers, buddies, and battered food is devoid of the high stakes of elite athletics. Yet, there are some lessons to be learned here on how to prevent anxiety and get the most of your performance. Ironically, if you want to be above average, you better get some Cs!


The bread and butter! The foundation!If you dont believe you can, guess what, you probably cant!Though I felt confident going into the 10thframe, the reality is that I dont really consider myself a good bowler. My range can go from 85 (like in that game) to 175. Thus, I, much like the athletes we work with, could have benefited from greaterpreparation. Practice makes perfect, as they say!

Another quick intervention is the power ofmental imagery.What the mind believes the body achieves! Even as a sport psychologist I got sloppy with my pre-performance routine. I could have benefited from taking a deep breath and visualizing where I wanted the ball to go to knock down the pins. Obviously, I skipped this.

Want confidence? To have it we need to prepare our hearts out and picture ourselves succeeding. Whether it is working a new exercise into rehab, returning to the court to play, or rolling a playoff-entering ball in the 10th, preparation and visualization are key.


The sweet spot! There is a relationship between the intensity we feel and our performance. Too anxious, and your performance is crap. Unmotivated and you dont really care? Yep, performance is crap. As such we want to find ourselves somewhere in the middle to increase our likelihood of a successful performance.

In my bowling fiasco, even though I was saying positive things to myself and wasnt consciously focused on throwing a gutter ball, the magnitude of the moment likely caused enough physiological anxiety to impact my bodys natural ability to throw a smooth ball. Tightened shoulders and a rushed release equal a gutter ball, thanks anxiety!

To combat this, we must proactively seek composure. Regulardeep breathing and muscle relaxationteaches our bodies and minds to relax under pressure. Identifying strategies for pumping ourselves uphelps allocate our mental and physical resources to the task at hand. Know your athletes, what do they need to get in their sweet spotpump up or chill out?


The final step is concentration.We give power to what we focus on! Prior to my gutter ball fiasco, a member of the opposing team said, Hey man, dont throw a gutter ball! Unfortunately, the human brain does not catch the difference between do and dont. Even though he said Dont throw a gutter ball, my brain heard gutter ball causing my mind to, literally, go in the gutter.

In retrospect, I should have taken a moment to deliberately re-focus my mind on the spot I wanted to hit. Our brains can only focus on one thing at a time.

Ideally, we focus on the area that will give us the most success. With our athletes, perhaps its an exercise technique or a specific movement. To do this,identify the key target focusthat leads to success in their task and thencreate a cue wordthat directs their focus consistently to that area. A cue word such as head pin would have served me well.

Final Report Card: All Cs

In conclusion, Cs are no longer for dunces. In fact, if you want to combat performance anxiety and thrive in any endeavor it is time to not only get some Cs, but also devote more time to achieving them!

Below, Dr. Stephen Graef explains how preparation and SMART goals can help boost performance in a short video from his course, Peak Performance and Psychology of Performance.

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