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Medbridge Roundtable: Insights from Organizations Using the Medbridge Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Solution

Medbridge collaborates with industry-leading experts to provide clinicians and healthcare organizations with evidence-based content that enhances clinical excellence, engages patients, and improves outcomes.

September 19, 2022

4 min. read

For healthcare organizations across the industry, one of the most consistent challenges is maintaining patient engagement amid high drop-off rates, all while operating on tight profit margins due to high overhead costs, industry regulations, and third-party payer requirements.

Earlier this year, CMS announced new CPT codes for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring, which has the potential to help healthcare organizations drive patient activation and adherence while capturing additional revenue.

Medbridges Solution for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring combines digital patient engagement and remote communication tools with a robust tracking and reporting dashboard so that everything organizations need for RTM success is right at their clinicians fingertips. This effective, evidence-based solution satisfies the FDA requirements for a medical device and is eligible to be used for patient monitoring.

Medbridge held a customer roundtable, where we met with representatives from several organizations using the Medbridge Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Solution to learn the benefits theyre seeing, the challenges theyve faced, and the best practices theyve discovered for maximizing both patient engagement and new revenue. Heres what we learned:

Key Findings

Our roundtable participants shared their key findings from their recent experience utilizing and billing for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring.

RTM helps build a stronger therapeutic alliance

Most organizations are already remotely monitoring for patient success. Medbridges solution combines everything needed to engage patients and boost outcomes while simplifying data collection and billing.

A dedicated RTM case manager supports accountability

With the specifics required by CMS for accurate billing and reimbursement, many organizations are turning to a case manager-style approach to follow up with patients and providers and ensure that requirements for billing are met.

Medbridge is your partner in learning the ins and outs of RTM

Because this is a new process, there are still many unknowns out there. Medbridge is dedicated to working with our partners to not only determine the most efficient and effective way to manage RTM tracking and billing, but to identify the full impact RTM has on patient engagement and functional outcomes

Best Practices

Our roundtable participants shared the best practices theyve discovered for maximizing both patient engagement and new revenue.

Identify the workflow up front so your clinicians know what to expect.

By building billing opportunities into the workflow, it feels less like an added task for clinicians. Creating a case manager or administrative position specifically for assisting with remote therapeutic monitoring also helps drive improved efficiency and frees up clinicians time.

Drive engagement with communication.

From text messages to phone calls to telehealth, let your patients know from the very first appointment that you are there for them. Frequent communication will encourage patients to respond and provide motivation to continue with their program.

Help the patient log in for the first time.

Walk the patient through their program and ensure that they know how to log their activity and communicate with you when needed. Ask open-ended questions and have them demonstrate their knowledge to you to ensure they understand their home program.

Remind clinicians that this is an opportunity to engage with and support their patients.

RTM is a valuable tool for building a therapeutic alliance, especially in the hands of clinicians who fully understand the benefits of more engaged and active patients. RTM doesnt need to be rebranded in the clinic. Just let patients know where they can access the program, the importance of logging activity, where to ask questions, and that their clinician (or case manager) will keep track of activity and follow-up.

Discuss your findings with your patients.

This helps patients know that you are looking at their activity and that you value their input, making them more likely to engage with their program and complete therapy.


Get more insights by downloading the full roundtable report.

How Medbridge Can Help with Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Our Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Solution includes everything you need to digitally assign programs, monitor patient progress, communicate with patients, and accurately track for efficient RTM billing so you can start capturing new revenue today without disrupting your existing workflows.

By utilizing the Medbridge RTM Solution, your organization can now reimburse up to:

  • $166.25 per patient episode 1

  • $24,937 per provider annually 2

  • $423,937 annually for a 20-PT clinic 3

For a more detailed view of the potential revenue you can realize, run your organization's numbers with our new Remote Therapeutic Monitoring ROI Calculator.

Download the full roundtable report to learn about the attendees featured in this article, read their testimonials, and more.

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Home Exercise Program - OT

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