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Survey Survival: Staying Compliant with Medbridge

As part of a successful survey, healthcare organizations must demonstrate that their staff have completed annual training and requirements.

January 5, 2023

3 min. read

Medbridge Knowledge Tracks make it easy for healthcare organizations to adhere to the orientation and annual mandatory training needed to stay survey ready. The Medbridge Knowledge Tracks are designed to enable the provider to be and stay in compliance with their state, federal (Medicare), and chosen accreditation body standards.

Do you know what is required for your organization?

Regulatory Requirements

Healthcare organizations in the United States and its territories are required to meet state regulations. Most providers are also required to be licensed in the state in which they operate and follow their state's specific set of regulations.

Organizations participating in and receiving payment from Medicare and/or Medicaid should consider:

  • Medicare (or other federal program): Must adhere to the Medicare Conditions of Participation and regulations

  • Medicaid: Varies state by state and offers various programs

If a provider is accredited, the provider must meet another level of standards to achieve accreditation.


Periodically, providers will be inspected to ensure compliance with regulations and standards. When providers use Medbridge to assign and track the required education, it enhances the provider's ability to adhere to state, federal, and accreditation requirements, and avoid deficiencies.

When deficiencies are cited during a survey, a plan of correction must be created. Medbridge can be utilized through staff education to ensure the deficiency is corrected and compliance is sustained.

Managing Mandatory Training

Medbridge makes it easy to manage mandatory annual training through compliance courses aligned with applicable laws and regulations, including those specific to states such as California and Massachusetts, and developed in partnership with expert consultants.

These courses can be used individually or as part of individualized education tracks for onboarding and ongoing training. Medbridge can be utilized as a part of a robust quality assurance performance improvement program (QAPI) to improve the quality of care provided to patients and promote positive outcomes.

Many of the Medbridge courses offer continuing education credit for the clinicians that meet requirements to retain their license. If a particular staff member is struggling in an area, courses can be assigned to improve knowledge and application of skills.

Medbridge provides courses to meet certain accreditation requirements, including:

Tracking Courses and Survey

Organizations must provide proof of completed training annually. This can be done online via a system like Medbridges Skills & Competency Manager or in a spreadsheet or document in your survey notebook. However, you choose to track and document, your documentation should be available to provide to a surveyor when they ask for it (and they will!).

Survey Answers

Medbridge can help your organization prepare for surveys and integrate the survey process seamlessly to improve patient care. Check out my Medbridge courses on Survey Survival as well as my other articles on the Medbridge blog and my white paper, Survey Survival: How to Be Prepared for Any Survey.

Now You Know

Medbridge Knowledge Tracks make it easy for healthcare organizations to adhere to annual mandatory compliance training and stay survey ready. For more information about building Knowledge Tracks, check out Getting Started with the Medbridge LMS.

Below, watch Nancy Allen discuss what to have ready for a survey in this brief clip from her MedBridge course "Survey Survival Part 1: How to Be Prepared for Any Survey."

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Occupational Therapy Courses

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