Secrets to Engineering Athletic Performance: From Youth to
Professionals (Recorded Webinar)

Presented by Phil Plisky

Secrets to Engineering Athletic Performance: From Youth to Professionals (Recorded Webinar)

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Video Runtime: 174 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 20 Minutes

Nothing beats the satisfaction you feel when one of your players accomplishes a big goal, from throwing with more velocity to jumping higher over the net for the kill or being faster on the basketball court. As rehabilitation professionals, we have a tremendous opportunity to impact the performance of our athletes through rehab or specific performance-training sessions. However, despite our confidence in our expertise, high-level performance may still seem to elude us, leaving us feeling intimidated and overwhelmed.

A straightforward, systematic approach is needed to take our athletes to the next level. Learn professional sport “secrets” and how you can apply the principles in your setting.

Meet your instructor

Phil Plisky

Dr. Phil Plisky is a professor in the University of Evansville’s Doctor of Physical Therapy and PhD in Health Professions Education programs. He is the host of the MedBridge Rehab and Performance Lab podcast and founder of the Coaches Club at

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Chapters & learning objectives

Performance Training IS for Rehabilitation Professionals

1. Performance Training IS for Rehabilitation Professionals

As rehabilitation professionals, we typically feel confident in our ability to restore function, but we may struggle in the area of performance training. This chapter will give you the confidence and framework in how to performance train from a research perspective.

So Many Options! Performance Test Selection

2. So Many Options! Performance Test Selection

There are so many performance tests to choose from! This chapter will teach you how to select the right tests at the right time and how to do the minimum number of tests for the maximum insight into your athlete.

Sport-Specific Performance Testing

3. Sport-Specific Performance Testing

While the foundation of performance is similar across all sports, each sport has unique demands that may require additional testing. This chapter explores a selection of sport-specific testing.

How to Make the Athlete Faster, More Powerful, and More Agile

4. How to Make the Athlete Faster, More Powerful, and More Agile

This chapter will detail intervention strategies to ensure that your athlete achieves their goals. Specific interventions will be described and discussed through case studies.

Retesting, Recovery, and Periodization

5. Retesting, Recovery, and Periodization

Performance training is not a one-time event and needs to continue throughout the competition cycle of the athlete. In this chapter, you will learn how to best integrate performance training throughout the year.

Question and Answer Session

6. Question and Answer Session

This section is a viewer-submitted question and answer session facilitated by Phil Plisky.