Why Is My Tendinopathy Program Not Working? (Recorded Webinar)

Presented by Jim Rivard

Why Is My Tendinopathy Program Not Working? (Recorded Webinar)

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Video Runtime: 117 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 20 Minutes

This course is a recording of a previously hosted live webinar event. Polling and question submission features are not available for this recording. Format and structure may differ from those of standard MedBridge courses.

Eccentric training for treating tendinopathies has become more deeply embedded into clinical practice over the last several years. Despite what the evidence suggests about this particular intervention, clinical outcomes do not always follow expectations. In fact, studies on clinical application do not always properly address critical details related to patient selection, dosage considerations, the role of isometrics in particular cases, and where this training fits into a broader rehabilitation program.

This webinar will review the historical context of mechanotherapy in training collagen pathologies and provide clinical decision-making models for differential diagnosis. Exercise prescription, including concepts of exercise dosage and recovery for tissue training, will also be addressed. Finally, a framework for exercise progression will be outlined, including consideration of individual impairments and variables.

Meet your instructor

Jim Rivard

Jim Rivard received his Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Puget Sound in 1988, after which completing four years of postgraduate residency and fellowship training from the Ola Grimsby Institute (OGI) and a Chronic Pain Management certificate program from McGill University. Jim is the founder of…

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Chapters & learning objectives

Mechanotherapy and Its Application for Tendinopathy

1. Mechanotherapy and Its Application for Tendinopathy

This chapter will present the historical context for tissue training as mechanotherapy, define the biomechanical forces for specific tissue training, and discuss biochemical input for tissue training.

Differential Diagnosis

2. Differential Diagnosis

In this chapter, we will consider why the pathoanatomical model of tissue differentiation is necessary in addition to the impairment model. Specific diagnoses for the location of the lesion within the muscle/tendon will be discussed, and we will create a larger list of differential diagnosis criteria for addressing tendon pain.

Exercise Prescription

3. Exercise Prescription

This chapter will address specific dosage parameters for using eccentric versus isometric work, sets, repetitions, resistance, and rest/recovery.

Program Design

4. Program Design

In this chapter, we will discuss the progression of eccentric training and the larger program design for the region.

Question and Answer Session

5. Question and Answer Session

This chapter is a viewer-submitted question and answer session facilitated by Jim Rivard.