David M. Walton, PT, PhD


  • 3 Courses

David M. Walton


David Walton (@uwo_dwalton) completed his BScPT in physical therapy at the University of Western Ontario in 1999, an MSc in neuroscience in 2001, and a PhD in health and rehabilitation science from Western in 2010. Following a combined 10 years of clinical practice, he is now an associate professor in the School of Physical Therapy at Western University (London, Canada), an associate scientist with the Lawson Health Research Institute, and a member of the teaching faculty with Western’s Bone and Joint Institute. He is the director and principal investigator of the Pain and Quality of Life Integrative Research Lab, where he supervises five PhD students and one MSc student in addition to several professional and undergraduate students.

Dave is active in the university community, having formed two interdisciplinary research groups: Collaboration for the Integration of Rehabilitation and Consumer Electronics (CIRCLE) and Solving Traumatic Pain and Disability Through Advanced Research Translation (START). Through these groups, innovative research and knowledge translation initiatives are underway that focus on improving measurement, prognosis, and treatment for neuromusculoskeletal pain problems of primarily the neck and low back. Dave has published more than 50 scientific publications and four book chapters, has presented at several national and international conferences, and has secured nearly $1 million in research funding. Outside of the university, Dave is currently an associate editor with the scientific journal Manual Therapy, an international editor for The Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, secretary of the Education Special Interest Group of the International Association for the Study of Pain, a member of the Allied Health subsection of the North American Spine Society, and cofounder/past chair of the Pain Science Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

Dave has been recognized for this teaching and mentorship through two Faculty Teaching Awards of Excellence and the 2014 National Mentorship Award from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. He is an active member of Western’s Teaching Support Centre, through which he facilitates workshops for faculty development, and is increasingly sought as a provider of continuing professional development in the area of neck pain management, soft skills development, pain assessment, and adult education for clinicians. Finally, and most importantly, Dave is immensely proud of his role as father to two incredible daughters and husband of an outstanding wife. The phrase “punching above his weight” most certainly applies.

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