Dorian Rose, PT, PhD


  • 3 Courses

Dorian Rose


Dorian Rose, PhD, PT holds a dual appointment as a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Florida and a Research Health Scientist at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, FL. Dr. Rose’s interests as a researcher, educator, and clinician are in adult neurorehabilitation. In addition to teaching at the University of Florida, Dr. Rose has spoken at the state level, nationally and internationally on the assessment and rehabilitation of individuals post-stroke. Her research interests are in developing intervention strategies based on principles of neuroplasticity and motor learning for the rehabilitation of post-stroke motor control deficits of both the upper extremity and gait. She is currently Principal Investigator of an American Heart Association funded clinical trial, “A Novel Strategy to Decrease Fall Incidence Post-Stroke” and two VA RR&D funded trials: 1) “Biofeedback to Increase Propulsion during Walking after Stroke” and 2) “A Novel Strategy to Decease Fall-Incidence Post-Stroke.” She has also served as PI on two externally funded trials examining the use of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as an adjuvant to functional task practice to improve arm recovery post-stroke.

Dr. Rose contributed to two national multi-site clinical trials that rigorously examined two unique post-stroke interventions: 1) the Extremity Constraint Induced Therapy Evaluation (EXCITE) trial that examined Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) for the paretic upper extremity post-stroke and 2) the Locomotor Experience Applied Post-Stroke (LEAPS) trial that examined locomotor training on a treadmill with body-weight support for the recovery of walking ability post-stroke. Dr. Rose received her physical therapy degree from Daemen College, her Master’s Degree in Human Movement Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her Ph.D. in Biokinesiology from the University of Southern California. Dr. Rose maintains professional membership in the American Physical Therapy Association, the American Heart/American Stroke Association and the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.

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