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Jan Hollenbeck
Jan Hollenbeck, OTD, OTR/L is co-owner of PASS – The Partnership for Advancement of School Service-Providers, LLC, providing professional development, consultation, and staff training in areas that inform and empower related service providers, teachers, families, and others to support and facilitate the success of children in educational settings (www.otpartnership.com). Dr. Hollenbeck is a Special Education Administrator responsible for related services, secondary transition services, assistive technology, and Section 504 for a Massachusetts Public School District. She received her BS and OTD degrees in occupational therapy from Tufts University - Boston School of Occupational Therapy and her MS degree from Boston University with a specialty in pediatrics. She is first author of the Guidelines for Provision of Occupational Therapy Services in Massachusetts Public Schools (www.maot.org) and has served on the AOTA Early Intervention and Schools Special Interest Section Committee. Dr. Hollenbeck has lectured extensively on the role of the related service provider in the public schools, including local, state, and national-level conferences and is a regular provider of professional development for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
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