Nicole M. Sergent, MPT


  • 4 Courses

Nicole M. Sergent


Nicole Sergent is a pediatric physical therapist living and working in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. With more than 20 years of experience working with children in a variety of settings, Nicole currently works primarily as an independent contractor for the West Virginia Birth to Three program (early intervention) working with children aged 0–3 and their families. The combination of skilled rehabilitation with the educational component of coaching families on shaping their children's development, particularly through play, is a passion of Nicole's.

Out of this passion, Nicole and colleague Lacy Morise formed Milestones & Miracles, LLC, and authored and produced 1-2-3 Just Play With Me, a developmental tool pairing development with play. The tool is being used by families and early educators/therapists worldwide. Sergent and Morise have provided continuing education on the importance of play for the young child and its effect on early development at national conferences, children's hospitals, and small parent and professional trainings throughout the US, as well as consulting for schools and organizations. Morise and Sergent also cohost a weekly podcast called More Than Child's Play and contribute to freelance publications on the importance of play for the young child.

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