Rob Winningham, PhD


  • 9 Courses

Rob Winningham


Dr. Rob Winningham has 25 years of experience researching human memory and has largely focused on older adults and ways to enhance their mental functioning and quality of life. He creates brain stimulation activities for more than 10,000 retirement communities and rehabilitation facilities as a part of Dr. Rob’s Cranium Crunches on and helps create cognitive stimulation video games for and other companies.

Dr. Winningham has served as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and chair of the Behavioral Sciences Divisions at Western Oregon University, where he is also a professor in both the psychological science and gerontology departments. Dr. Winningham received his PhD in neuroscience from Baylor University. He has trained thousands of professionals to offer high-quality cognitive rehabilitation and therapy programs. In addition to publishing many peer-reviewed articles in the area of human memory, Dr. Winningham has been invited to give well over 1,000 invited presentations about memory and aging at various conferences and workshops. His book Train Your Brain: How to Maximize Memory Ability in Older Adulthood was published by Baywood Publishing in 2010, and his latest book, Cranium Crunches, was published in 2016.

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