Unlimited access to more than 700 accredited, evidence-based courses
Manage your courses and view your CEU progress on one dashboard
Access your CE courses anytime, anywhere with our clinician app
Learn from industry-leading instructors through engaging videos, 3D motion graphics and patient demonstrations
Meet the latest regulations and state requirements with interactive courses
Stay up-to-date on current industry trends and evidence-based practice
We provide all of the tools you need to improve clinical performance and drive better patient outcomes on one fully-integrated platform.
Clinical Education
and Compliance
Home Exercise
Patient Education
Mobile Apps for
Patients and Clinicians
Outcomes Tracking
and Reporting
Patient Relationship
Learning Management
Patient Satisfaction
“MedBridge is best-in-class in online education with instructors who are experts in their fields. MedBridge courses have definitely taken me to a higher level of practice.”
Paula M. McElmeel, MOTR/L
“MedBridge is hands down the best online education resource available. It provides extremely clinically relevant, well-presented information from top-notch educators bundled with the ease of portability.”
David Boman, OTR/L, MBA
“MedBridge provides excellent courses that can be completed at my own pace. Now, I can obtain CEU's around work hours and during my lunch break!”
Colby Neubauer