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Hand Therapy Exercises for 3 Common Diagnoses

Discover the best hand therapy exercises to help your patients recover from hand and wrist injuries and return to daily activities faster.

February 24, 2023

6 min. read

Anyone who has experienced a hand or wrist injury knows it can be a frustrating experience. Hand therapy exercises play a vital role in helping patients regain function and return to meaningful daily activities. We use our upper extremities to engage with our environment far more than we realize!

Choosing the right hand therapy exercises for your patients can support recovery and get them back to their meaningful occupations sooner rather than later. However, when choosing appropriate exercises for your patients, it is important to keep their goals, prior functional status, pain levels, and any surgical precautions in mind.

As an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist, three of the most common diagnoses I see are:

In this article, I will cover some of my favorite hand therapy exercises for these diagnoses. You can find each of these exercises by searching for their name in the Medbridge Home Exercise Builder and use them to help get your patients back to meaningful, functional use of their injured extremity.

Thumb CMC joint osteoarthritis

While splinting is traditionally included in treatment planning, thumb stabilization exercises have become an increasingly popular adjunct treatment in plans of care and home exercise programs. Webspace stretching, as well as strengthening opponens pollicis and the first dorsal interosseous have been shown to promote dynamic stability of the CMC joint.1

Here are three hand therapy exercises you can assign to help patients with thumb CMC joint osteoarthritis:

  1. Webspace (adductor pollicis muscle) stretch can be completed by using your opposite hand or another object, as demonstrated in these exercises:

    • Thumb Stabilization Web Space Release: Using Other Hand

    • Thumb Stabilization Web Space Release: Using Another Object

  2. C positioning of your thumb can be completed with or without use of additional objects, such as a ball. After assuming this position, adding isometric pinch strengthening will engage and assist with strengthening your opponens pollicis muscle. These exercises include:

    • Thumb Stabilization: "C" Position Isometric

    • Thumb Stabilization: "C" Isometric Around Ball (see video below)

  3. For first dorsal interosseous strengthening with isometric contractions against resistance, try these:

    • First Dorsal Interosseous Isotonic Strengthening with Rubber Band Resistance

    • Thumb Stabilization: Isotonic First Dorsal Interosseous, Holding a Ball

Distal radius fracture

For patients with a distal radius fracture, the initiation of home exercise will depend largely on intervention method (conservative vs. surgical) and precautions outlined by the orthopedist. When home exercises are indicated, here are a few I like to start with:

  1. Range-of-motion exercises in the dart throwers plane are especially beneficial, as most activities of daily living are completed while moving your wrist in the dart throwers plane, as shown here:

    • Wrist AROM Dart Throwers Motion (see video below)

  2. Isometric wrist flexion and extension exercises assist with regaining active mobility of the wrist joint. Additionally, isometric wrist extension exercises have also been shown to help with grip strengthening.2 Try these:

    • Wrist Flexion Isometric with Forearm Pronated

    • Isometric Wrist Extension Pronated

Carpal tunnel syndrome

While a patient may suffer median nerve compression proximally, distally, or both (referred to as a double crush), carpal tunnel syndrome is by far the most common cause of median nerve compression. And while carpal tunnel syndrome can be persistent, its important to assist our patients in symptom management with a well-rounded home program, including hand therapy exercises.

  1. Median nerve glides, in addition to splinting and client education, have demonstrated reduced likelihood of surgery for individuals experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome,3 as shown here:

    • Median Nerve Gliding: Proximal (see video below)

    • Median Nerve Flossing: Tray

  2. Carpal ligament stretching has been shown to decrease carpal tunnel symptoms.4 This can be completed by holding the affected wrist at end-range extension while simultaneously placing the first CMC joint in retroposition.

Patient education and progression

While assigning hand therapy exercises is a core component of recovery, patient education plays a significant role in successful outcomes. Patients should understand how consistency with their home program supports functional improvement and symptom relief.

Additionally, therapists should provide clear progression strategies for these hand therapy exercises as strength and mobility improve. Gradually increasing repetitions, resistance, or duration ensures steady, safe recovery.

Empowering recovery through targeted hand therapy

Upper extremity injuries can significantly disrupt a patients ability to perform daily tasks and engage in meaningful activities. By integrating targeted hand therapy exercises into treatment plans, therapists not only address physical recovery but also support a patients emotional and functional well-being.

A well-rounded exercise program, combined with patient education and a clear progression strategy, equips patients with the tools to actively participate in their recovery journey. This collaborative approach not only restores strength and mobility but also helps patients regain confidence in using their hands to live fuller, more independent lives.



  1. McVeigh, K., Kannas, S., Ivy, C., Garner, H., Barnes, C., Heckman, M., Brushaber, D., & Murray, P. (2022). Dynamic stabilization home exercise program for treatment of thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: A prospective randomized control trial. Journal of Hand Therapy, 35(3), 435-446. doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2021.06.002.

  2. Mitsukane, M., Sekiya, N., Himei, S., & Oyama, K. (2015). Immediate effects of repetitive wrist extension on grip strength in patients with distal radial fracture. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(5), 862-868.

  3. Lewis, K.J., Coppieters, M.W., Ross, L., Hughes, I., Vicenzino, B., & Schmid, A.B. (2020). Group education, night splinting, and home exercises reduce conversion to surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome: A multicentre randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 66(2), 97-104. doi: 10.1016/j.jphys.2020.03.007.

  4. Kaufman-Cohen, Y., Levanon, Y., Friedman, J., Yaniv, Y., & Portnoy, S. (2021). Home exercise in the dart-throwing motion plane after distal radius fractures: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Hand Therapy, 34(4), 531-538. doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2020.03.027.

  5. Shem, K., Wong, J., & Kirlikov, B. (2020). Effective self-stretching of carpal ligament for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: A double-blinded randomized controlled study. Journal of Hand Therapy, 33(3), 272-280. doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2019.12.002.

  6. Shem, K., Wong, J., & Kirlikov, B. (2020). Effective self-stretching of carpal ligament for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: A double-blinded randomized controlled study. Journal of Hand Therapy, 33(3), 272-280. doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2019.12.002.

Below, watch Ann Porretto-Loehrke discuss the principles of joint mobilization in this brief clip from her MedBridge course, “Manual Therapy Techniques for Finger Stiffness."

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Home Exercise Program - OT

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