Balance Examination in Concussion

Presented by Susan Whitney

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Video Runtime: 38 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 18 Minutes

One of the hallmarks of concussion management is the assessment of balance and postural control. Within the first seven days post concussion, there is strong evidence that balance can be assessed with low-technology methods such as the Balance Error Scoring System, which was designed to detect balance problems in athletes post concussion. Recent evidence is summarized about the use of dual-tasking during gait in younger and older retired athletes that suggests that longer-term balance deficits can be identified with the use of technology. Accelerometers, cell phones, and motor capture detect balance and gait differences long after one to two weeks in persons who have experienced a concussion or mild head trauma. Balance tools that are currently being utilized in the clinic are reviewed, and new technologies for the assessment of balance in persons post concussion will be demonstrated in videos.

Meet your instructor

Susan Whitney

Susan L. Whitney received her PhD in motor development/motor learning from the University of Pittsburgh, her professional physical therapy education from Temple University in Philadelphia, and her DPT from MGH Institute of Health Professions. Currently, she is a professor in physical therapy in the School of Health and…

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Chapters & learning objectives

Lower-Tech Balance and Gait Assessment

1. Lower-Tech Balance and Gait Assessment

Balance and gait examination after concussion is a critical element of the physical examination in almost all postconcussion instruments. A review of the benefits and limitations of postural control instruments is provided, including low-tech alternatives to the assessment of balance.

Advances in Balance Testing in Concussion

2. Advances in Balance Testing in Concussion

Balance measures are changing rapidly in the assessment of persons post concussion. New technologies will be described, and the advantages and disadvantages of their use will be provided. Videos of some of the newer tools used in balance assessment are utilized to enhance the learner experience.