Increasing Speech Intelligibility of Spanish-Speaking Children
Presented by Raul F. Prezas
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Non-Financial: Raul Prezas is an ASHA member and developed and collected data on Spanish intervention approach and assessments that are discussed in the courses.
Choosing the right target words and patterns in phonological intervention is critical for increasing overall intelligibility (i.e., speech understandability). Regardless of severity level, optimal words for treatment are necessary for all children, including monolingual Spanish and bilingual Spanish-English children. This course provides strategies for choosing production practice words for phonological intervention. Topics will include the concept of shared versus unshared sounds as they relate to target selection, word choice recommendations in both English and Spanish, sample production practice words, group therapy case study and recommendations, and additional considerations for monolingual professionals working with bilingual children.
Meet your instructor

Raul F. Prezas
Raul Prezas, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an associate professor in the Department of Human Services at Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas. He has several years of clinical experience in the university, public school, and home health settings, particularly working with bilingual children and their families. Dr. Prezas has served…
Chapters & learning objectives

1. Overview of Bilingual Phonological Intervention
In order to discuss production practice words and target selection for bilingual children, it is important to understand phonological intervention with bilingual populations. This chapter provides an overview of treatment considerations for all bilingual populations (e.g., shared versus unshared sounds).

2. Choosing Appropriate Production Practice Words
This chapter provides strategies and recommendations for choosing appropriate production practice words. Topics include word choice, word list examples, dialectal considerations (e.g., in Spanish), and the impact of stimulability.

3. A Group Therapy Model
A group therapy model for working with bilingual children with highly unintelligible speech is an important consideration, given the reality of working in the school setting (e.g., large caseload). This chapter provides information related to the implementation of a pattern-oriented phonological remediation approach for Spanish-speaking children in a group setting.

4. Tips for Monolingual Clinicians Working With Bilingual Children
This chapter provides recommendations and tips for monolingual clinicians working with bilingual populations. Innovative strategies for providing therapy when a language barrier is present is discussed.