Prep for COVID-19 Admissions & Patient Care in Rehab
Facilities: Panel Discussion

Presented by Michelle Camicia, Michele Cournan, and Jill Rye

Prep for COVID-19 Admissions & Patient Care in Rehab Facilities: Panel Discussion

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This is a recorded webinar on preparing for COVID-19 admissions.

As the COVID-19 health crisis continues, many post-acute rehab facilities are preparing for, or are actively managing, an influx of COVID-19 admissions to their facilities. This expected increase in admissions will impact patient care, staff safety, and discharge protocols in a significant way. During this simu-live webinar co-hosted by MedBridge and ARN, Jill Rye, DNP, RN, CRRN, CNL, FARN of Avera is joined by Michelle Camicia, PhD, MSN, CRRN, CCM, NEA-BC, FAHA; and Michele Cournan, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, FNP, CRRN, to discuss strategies to help rehab clinicians prepare their post-acute care facilities for this expected increase in COVID-19 admissions. During this discussion, the panel will lay out strategies for the admissions process for patients of varying COVID-19 statuses, the use of technology in the care of COVID-19 patients, and how to adequately prepare staff while managing their anxiety and emotional distress. The panel will also discuss challenges presented with discharge planning and the role that caregiver support and family involvement can play in successful discharge strategies.