Sampling Methodology, Statistics, and Publication Manuscript Preparation

Presented by Jean-Michel Brismée

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Video Runtime: 72 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 52 Minutes

This course will provide guidelines on how researchers/clinical practitioners should recruit participants, seek consent, and use appropriate sampling methodology. The course will include information on power analysis and both descriptive and inferential statistics to evaluate differences, associations, and reliability using parametric and nonparametric statistics. Information will be provided on statistics interpretation for evaluation of differences, correlations, and agreement for the practitioner in regard to the clinical meaning of the observed outcomes. Finally, tips will be provided on preparing an abstract for presentation and a manuscript for publication.

Meet your instructor

Jean-Michel Brismée

Jean-Michel Brismée, PT, ScD, OCS, FAAOMPT, is a professor in the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (ScD) programs in physical therapy at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) in Lubbock, Texas. Dr. Brismée teaches at TTUHSC in the areas of kinesiology and orthopedics and is involved in clinical…

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Chapters & learning objectives

Recruitment, Consent, and Sampling Methodology

1. Recruitment, Consent, and Sampling Methodology

This chapter will address sampling methodology to lower the risk of bias. Sample size is often determined based on previous publications related to the same topic. The need for pilot testing will also be discussed to guide sample size determination.

Data Collection

2. Data Collection

This chapter will explain investigators’ blinding in regard to outcome variables measurements. Assessing the reliability of the investigators taking the measurements will be presented. In addition, the chapter provides examples of data collection forms used in research.

Statistical Analysis

3. Statistical Analysis

The chapter will explain the importance of taking time to calculate and review the descriptive statistics. You will learn about specific tests used to determine if the data meets assumptions for parametric statistics. Evaluations of differences, associations, and reliability for both parametric and nonparametric data will be explained.

Interpreting the Statistics

4. Interpreting the Statistics

This chapter will cover data interpretation, starting with descriptive statistics and the review of means, medians, modes, and data variances, as these affect the likelihood of detecting statistically significant differences. Detection of outliers and how they affect outcomes will be discussed. Power and effect sizes will be explained, as well as interpretations of strength of correlation and reliability coefficients.

Submission Abstract for Presentation and Manuscript for Publication

5. Submission Abstract for Presentation and Manuscript for Publication

This chapter will describe how to prepare abstracts and manuscripts for publication. This includes the importance of selecting a title that is representative of the study and reporting descriptive and inferential statistics that answer the research questions. Scientific writing, including the need to be clear and succinct, will be explained, as well as tips to follow for the writing of each manuscript’s section. Selecting the appropriate journal for manuscript submission will also be discussed.