Strategies for Empowering Diversity in the Workplace

Presented by Joel M. Brown II

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Video Runtime: 51 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 18 Minutes

Diversity in the workplace is not just a hot topic; it can be an asset to maximize innovation and advancement in the workplace. Many health systems recognize the value of a diverse workforce as we attempt to close the gap of healthcare disparities and provide care in the communities we serve. The importance of a diverse workforce is amplified in the respiratory care profession. As frontline caregivers who attend to the needs of the highest-acuity patients, RTs must be equipped with the cultural competency required to ensure equitable care for all. This course will define diversity, review recent statistics, and address the clinical impact and business case for workplace diversity. It will also provide learners with data-access, interviewing, and community engagement tools that can be deployed to enhance the diversity in their organizations or respiratory care departments.

Meet your instructor

Joel M. Brown II

Joel M. Brown II is the CEO and founder of Arrived Leadership (AL), LLC. His career has a proven track record of developing high-potential leaders and creating high-performing teams and functions. He is recognized internationally for his clinical and leadership lectures, research, and publications. After 30 years of…

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Chapters & learning objectives

Introduction to Diversity

1. Introduction to Diversity

This chapter will act as an introduction to a few of the basic concepts of diversity in the workplace. The speaker will review the differences between healthcare disparity, cultural competence, workforce diversity, inclusion, and equity.

Data in Diversity

2. Data in Diversity

Although diversity demographic data in the respiratory care profession is scarce, a few well-written peer-reviewed articles have been published within the last five years. In this chapter, the speaker will review the available workforce data with a focus on RTs and will provide an interpretation of the data. Case studies are presented for additional learning.

Identifying and Removing Diversity Gaps

3. Identifying and Removing Diversity Gaps

Diversity gaps are areas for improvement that may exist within your organization or department. This chapter will provide learners with tools to identify their diversity gaps and close them through interviewing, mentoring, and community engagement. A case study will be provided for additional learning.

A Business Case for Diversity

4. A Business Case for Diversity

This chapter will provide a brief business case for diversity in the workplace while providing tools to ensure that your department or organization is continuously looking for opportunities to improve. It will also lay the groundwork for eliminating stereotypes and changing the philosophy of diversity for your team.