Treatment of Meniscal Injuries

Presented by Terry Malone

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Video Runtime: 75 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 43 Minutes

Treatment of individuals with meniscus pathology has evolved dramatically in the past 50 years. Much of the evolution has been driven by the arthroscope and advanced imaging that better elucidate lesions. We now address these pathologies through the lens of acute versus degenerative and discuss how to best address the presenting issue. This course will provide a context for the functional requirements that drive management of decision-making for both conservative and operative management (excision/partial/repair). The rehabilitative approaches are individualized to the specific operative or nonoperative sequence.

Meet your instructor

Terry Malone

Dr. Terry Malone received his EdD and MSPT from Duke University in North Carolina and his BA from Bluffton College in Ohio. At Duke, he served as the initial sports physical therapist and was the coordinator of the Sports Medicine Clinic. He served as the initial chairperson of the Sports Specialization Council of the APTA…

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Chapters & learning objectives

Anatomy and Biodynamics: How and Why the Meniscus Gets Injured or Becomes Degenerative

1. Anatomy and Biodynamics: How and Why the Meniscus Gets Injured or Becomes Degenerative

As the menisci are poorly vascularized, limited healing can be seen. The differing anatomy and shapes of the menisci play roles in their injury mechanisms, but aging dictates degenerative changes that may be inherent.

Nonsurgical and Surgical Choices for Meniscal Injury

2. Nonsurgical and Surgical Choices for Meniscal Injury

Our enhanced imaging has now provided better recognition of how we might best manage meniscal lesions. There is evolving evidence from outcome measures that matches patients who will benefit from surgical management and those who may be best managed nonoperatively.

Exercise Progressions Considerations

3. Exercise Progressions Considerations

Rehabilitation of patients with meniscal lesions is directed by context (acute tear or degenerative lesion). Conservative management progressions associated with a degenerative meniscus or postoperative management of partial meniscectomy or repair is individually designed specific to presentation or surgery.